Slow Sundays

Since starting work full time, I have relished the weekend and in particular Sundays.  I strive to keep Sundays at home so we can relax and regroup before the start of our busy week.  We like to stay in pjs a little longer (or perhaps all day) and I like to spend time in the kitchen baking bread for the week.  Lately, Sean has been doing a lot of yard cleanup in preparation for winter.  This past Sunday, Finn and Josie got to building with scraps of wood that Sean was cleaning up.  Then, when Sean built a fire, they decided to practice cooking.  Finn chose to char apples on a stick and Josie cut up apples and carrots and made a soup.  In the midst of it all, Lily and the chickens were milling around.  And, I finally got a decent picture of Feather Foot the rooster.

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