Category Archives: Uncategorized

Play Ball!

Finn is wrapping up the Baseball season.  He was so excited to play this year.  I was really impressed with his dedication and how completely he threw himself into every aspect of the game.  His coaches had great things to … Continue reading

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Happy 5th Birthday, Josie!

We had a lovely celebration last Saturday in honor of Josie’s 5th birthday.  Wow, five is really a big deal and Josie has been counting the days until the big five.  She was so excited to go to the store … Continue reading

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Art Show

The school puts on an art show every year where the students can choose their favorite work to display.

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Yep, More Fishing

So, I don’t think there is a weekend since the spring thaw that there hasn’t been some form of fishing going on.  Finn is always up for the suggestion and is very serious about fishing and perfecting his cast.  Josie … Continue reading

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Circus Girl

On a lovely Wednesday, after I picked Josie up from school I had a bunch of errands to run.  As we were out and about, Josie asked if we could stop at the playground. I warned her that there were … Continue reading

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Spring Hiking and Fishing

Spring has brought us lots of wonderful hiking and fishing.  This is an adventure we took a couple of weeks ago.  Everything had thawed, but there was a lot of water in the woods.  Finn and Josie just walked right … Continue reading

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Easter Day

Easter was filled with fun, family, and jelly beans. The kids enjoyed a sunrise egg hunt in our yard and then we headed to the annual egg hunt at Nana and Papa’s.  The sun warmed the day beautifully and much … Continue reading

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March Beach Day

Sean ran the Eastern States 20 miler on Saturday and the kids and I headed to the coast to cheer him on.  While we waited for the runners, we enjoyed some beach time.  It was sunny, but the wind coming … Continue reading

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Easter Decorations

Our Easter decorating included making giant paper mache eggs, hanging decorated eggs from our Easter tree (which our dear labrador proceeded to eat – they were blown out eggs and she devoured the shells that she could reach), and, of … Continue reading

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A day at the Audubon

Last week was my spring break. It wasn’t so much a break as a scramble to get caught up with work.  Unfortunately, my break doesn’t align with the public schools.  However, Finn had a doctor’s appointment scheduled early in the … Continue reading

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